Mail Call

Go to Mail call: Letter about taking a knee was spot-on

Mail call: Letter about taking a knee was spot-on

Many thanks to fellow veteran Jeff Miller and his letter to the editor, “Taking knee is disrespectful to war dead,” in the March 2024 issue.

Go to Minnesota Boys State is June 9-15; register now

Minnesota Boys State is June 9-15; register now

There is still time for young men to register to take part in this event. Doing so at, they can find valuable information about the week ahead of them.

Go to Mail Call: Tax cuts for charities is the top priority

Mail Call: Tax cuts for charities is the top priority

Veterans service organizations, athletic associations, fire-relief associations, nonprofits, bars, and restaurants with charitable gambling operations became very concerned about their futures with the passing of the Minnesota legislature’s tax omnibus bill.

Go to Mail Call: Taking knee is disrespectable to war dead

Mail Call: Taking knee is disrespectable to war dead

I attended the basketball game on Dec. 28, 2023, at the Moorhead holiday basketball tournament, between Osseo and Dilworth/Glyndon/Felton. As much as the game was very entertaining, I was appalled at the behavior of six of the Osseo team during the playing of “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

Go to Commander: Sign 1 more member before convention

Commander: Sign 1 more member before convention

When I was in the second grade my teacher, Mrs. Herron, had the class write papers on what we wanted to be when we grew up.  I wrote mine on how I wanted to be a soldier.

Go to NECman: Listen to your body when something’s not normal

NECman: Listen to your body when something’s not normal

The Washington Conference is history.  A big thank-you to Kristy Janigo, as our Legislative Committee chairwoman. She did a fantastic job.

Go to Column: If you want it done, give it to a Son

Column: If you want it done, give it to a Son

March also brings our yearly Spring Conference. This year it will be at Forest Lake American Legion Post 225, sponsored by SAL Squadron 225. This will be on Friday, March 15 (Finance and Executive Board meetings) and Saturday, March 16 for general membership. Registration cost is $20 and includes lunch.

Mail Call: Thanks for the airmen poem

Sending a shout-out to Sharon Brunette, New Prague Post 45.

Go to Mail Call: It’s stunning how much the state gets

Mail Call: It’s stunning how much the state gets

The January Issue of the Minnesota Legionnaire had a small but insightful article on American Legion post-level charitable gambling.

Chaplain: Faith is a powerful way to face anxiety

Anxiety as explained in the dictionary is a feeling of worry, nervousness or unease about an event or circumstance that has an uncertain outcome.

Go to Minnesota Commander: Credit belongs to members and supporters

Minnesota Commander: Credit belongs to members and supporters

We have the honor of hosting National Commander Daniel Seehafer from April 14 through the 18. Please look at the website for locations and see if you can attend any of his stops. We need to show him how great the Department of Minnesota is. The national commander will be at Veterans Day on the Hill on April 17.