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Go to Claim shark bill advances out of Minnesota House veterans affairs subcommittee

Claim shark bill advances out of Minnesota House veterans affairs subcommittee

Bill author Emma Greenman of Minneapolis said the state government can’t solve the difficult of the VA disability claims process, but it can solve the for-profit aspect of claim sharks.

Go to Be sure to hear the national commander speak

Be sure to hear the national commander speak

ST. PAUL — American Legion National Commander James A. LaCoursiere Jr. comes to Minnesota the last full week of March. The route weaves from the Twin Cities metro to southern Minnesota, back to the metro, then westward.

Go to Registration is open for Legionville

Registration is open for Legionville

BRAINERD — Make the most out of summer with programs that enable kids to get outdoors, meet new friends and learn lifelong skills. Campers may be sponsored and tuition paid by an American Legion post, school, other community organization, or an adult such as a parent or guardian.


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Go to Albert Lea Unit 56 awards more quilts to veterans

Albert Lea Unit 56 awards more quilts to veterans

On Jan. 17, Albert Lea Auxiliary Unit 56 presented quilts to the following veterans: Dale Yost, Delmar Schnoor, Steven Olson, Paul Henschel, Richard Dohmeier.

Go to 2nd District has booth at Ag Expo

2nd District has booth at Ag Expo

Second District Commander James Olson works an American Legion table at the Ag Expo in Mankato.

Go to Minneapolis Falldin Post 555 delivers apples to elementary school

Minneapolis Falldin Post 555 delivers apples to elementary school

Minneapolis Falldin Post 555 delivered apples for the teachers to Columbia Academy elementary school in Columbia Heights on Nov. 20.

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Welcome to Minnesota Girls State

Learn about Minnesota Girls State, a civics camp at Bethel University for girls who are between their junior and senior years of high school. It is run by the American Legion Auxiliary.

TALMN News Network – Episode 2 – Carla Tappainer Department of Minnesota Membership Director

On this podcast we welcome Carla Tappainner the Department of Minnesota Membership Director 2024-202 5 to talk about her experience with National Legions College and her plans as Membership Director. Kelley and Jennifer will also talk about some of the American Legion Programs coming up soon. Oratorical, Legion Baseball, Legion Fastpitch softball and others.

TALMN News Network Episode 1: Department Commander Dr. Carl Moon

Department Commander Dr. Carl Moon talks about his goals and project for the year.

Ad: The Minnesota Legionnaire, a good reason to join the Legion