American Legion Suicide Prevention Coalition hosts training in Osseo
OSSEO — The American Legion Suicide Prevention Coalition hosted a S.A.V.E. training session on Thursday.
Never forget we take care of veterans
The American Legion’s mission of “Be the One” is happening for a reason.
Son keeps father’s legacy alive
RED WING — It’s 1944. Radio operator Merrel L. Duncan of Dundee has returned from a mission aboard a B-17 Flying Fortress. He is back at his quarters at Bassingbourn in England, writing in his diary.
National Commander: Exploitation of veterans should be illegal again
Dear American Legion Family Members and Friends,
Osseo Post 172 to host VA suicide-prevention training
As a bonus, wings will be provided to attendees.
Gabe Keith was in Baghdad when the Saddam statue fell
“They didn’t use us for the sexiest missions,” Keith said. “They aren’t going to send a Marine platoon for the most dangerous situations, but we always showed up for duty. My squad was reliable. We had to be available for every rotation.”
Herke retires from Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs
Deputy Commissioner for Programs and Services Brad Lindsay is in the role of interim commissioner.
VA debuts vans for bringing medical care to the veterans
ST. PAUL — The Minneapolis VA Health Care System presented its new Mobile Medical Unit on Oct. 3 outside the Catholic Charities Opportunity Center in St. Paul.
Ride for the Stones raises $16,000
The ride broke all records; 126 bikes and 40 riders, “many” non-riders and a huge number of raffle items and food, raising over $16,000 to enable the purchased nearly 80 pavers.