Ride for the Stones raises $16,000

BAGLEY — Navy Veteran Jeff Schermerhorn from Bagley was named “Hometown Hero” for his vision and continued commitment to see that veterans buried in Clearwater County cemeteries get an engraved stone paver placed at the Clearwater County Veterans Memorial in Bagley.

On Sept. 2, the “Ride for the Stones” celebrated 10 years. The ride broke all records; 126 bikes and 40 riders, “many” non-riders and a huge number of raffle items and food, raising over $16,000 to enable the purchased nearly 80 pavers.
Recipients of a paver are chosen at random in a lottery type system. Donations for the raffle and bike riders came from all over Minnesota and from other states, even a bike rider from Texas. This makes $70,000 raised in 10 years. All food and raffle items were donated, meaning 100 percent of all money raised went toward the stones.
“Saturday was the greatest day of my life,” Schermerhorn said. “I want to say a heartfelt thank you to each and everyone who participated in the 10th annual Ride for the Stones Motorcycle Rally. I’ve posted many thank-yous, tributes and personalized stories about individuals who have assisted or donated to the ride. Yet, I know that I’ve probably missed someone. I worked hard to thank each and every one of you personally, as well as visit with you. If you are someone I missed I want to say thank you with all my heart.”