American Legion Suicide Prevention Coalition hosts training in Osseo

By Tim Engstrom

OSSEO — The American Legion Suicide Prevention Coalition hosted a S.A.V.E. training session on Thursday. The Minneapolis VA is part of the coalition and its VA suicide-prevention staff members were on hand to lead the training. It was held at Osseo-Maple Grove Post 172.

S.A.V.E. stands for Signs, Ask, Validate, Encourage & Expedite. The longer explanation is:

Andrea Perry works in suicide prevention for the Minneapolis VA.

Know the Signs that indicate a veteran might be thinking about suicide.

Ask the most important question of all: “Are you thinking of killing yourself?”

Validate the veteran’s experience.

Encourage treatment and Expedite getting help.

“This event is a significant step in our ongoing commitment to support veterans and their families in our community,” said Department Service Officer Ray Kane. “S.A.V.E. is a crucial training designed to empower individuals in recognizing and responding effectively to signs of suicide in veterans. It’s all about understanding the warning signals and knowing how to act swiftly and compassionately.”

He said the coalition played a pivotal role in helping us spread the word to our community partners.

“We’re deeply grateful for the enthusiastic participation and the shared dedication towards this cause. A big shoutout to everyone who joined us, your engagement is a testament to the strength and solidarity of our community. Together, we’re making a difference in the lives of those who served for us.”