
Go to Commander’s Project is at 49 percent

Commander’s Project is at 49 percent

His project raises money for the the Veterans Defense Project, a nonprofit that defends veterans and aims to expand veterans courts across the state and nation.

Go to VA’s St. Paul Regional Office covers western half of the United States

VA’s St. Paul Regional Office covers western half of the United States

FORT SNELLING — As of October, 115,172 Minnesota veterans or their survivors received a monthly VA benefit. That comes to $166 million a month. For the year, the total is 1.99 billion.

Snowmobile ride for vets is on Feb. 15

GRAND RAPIDS — All veterans are welcome to enjoy a day snowmobiling, including lodging and meals at the annual Veterans Appreciation Ride.

Guest columnist: LSS CORE provides support for veterans, families

Military service can have a long-range impact on service members and their families. From managing financial concerns to maintaining healthy relationships or caring for loved ones with a disability — active service, deployment and returning to civilian life each have their own challenges.

Go to Service officer: ‘We all could very easily be in her position’

Service officer: ‘We all could very easily be in her position’

SHAKOPEE — One of Marissa LaCourt’s neighbors in Farmington wanted to get rid of his wife’s old car after she purchased a new one.

Go to Restorative justice is front and center

Restorative justice is front and center

MINNEAPOLIS — The Veterans Defense Project invites Minnesota veterans and their supporters interested in the justice system to its third annual event.

Go to Lawyer: ‘The system can do  a better job with our veterans’

Lawyer: ‘The system can do a better job with our veterans’

ST. CLOUD — Brock Hunter, a Minneapolis-based criminal defense lawyer and Army veteran, is the co-founder of the Veterans Defense Project. The Minnesota American Legion and the VDP were partners in the 2021 passage of the Veterans Restorative Justice Act in Minnesota.

Go to State Veterans Day program moves to Arden Hills

State Veterans Day program moves to Arden Hills

ARDEN HILLS — Commissioner Brad Lindsay, a member of New Prague Post 45, said one of the things he wanted to do as commissioner was to move the state’s annual official Veterans Day Event around the state.

Go to American Legion NEC passes anthrax resolution

American Legion NEC passes anthrax resolution

INDIANAPOLIS — The American Legion National Executive Committee, at its meetings Oct. 9-10, approved a resolution calling for the federal government to conduct research on the anthrax shot given to many Persian Gulf War-era veterans.

Go to Pine City Post 51 celebrates WWII veteran’s 99th birthday

Pine City Post 51 celebrates WWII veteran’s 99th birthday

Ledin served in the Navy 1943-1946, shortly after he graduated from North Branch High School in May 1943. Howard graduated from Bainbridge Naval Training Station as a radioman.

Go to Hennepin County declares ‘functional zero’ when it comes to veteran homelessness

Hennepin County declares ‘functional zero’ when it comes to veteran homelessness

MINNEAPOLIS — On Oct. 15, Hennepin County declared “functional zero” when it comes to veteran homelessness.

Go to Letter: Father will turn 100 years old

Letter: Father will turn 100 years old

I am writing to you in regard to my father, Leonard Wilde. He is a member of Plainview Post 179. He will turn 100 years old on Feb. 4, 2025, and we are planning a lunch reception at the Plainview post on Sunday, Feb. 2, from 1 to 5 p.m.