Commander’s Project is at 49 percent

Department Commander Carl Moon’s Project is at 49 percent. He has raised $29,312.
His project raises money for the the Veterans Defense Project, a nonprofit that defends veterans and aims to expand veterans courts across the state and nation. The Minnesota American Legion and Veterans Defense Project worked together on passage of the 2021 Veterans Restorative Justice Act, which established standards for veterans courts and allows veterans in counties without veterans courts to petition to a nearby one with a veterans court.
To donate to the Department Commander Project, make the check out to Minnesota American Legion Foundation, and put “Fund 82” in the memo. Fund 82 each year is the Commander’s Project. Mail the check to American Legion Department of Minnesota, 20 W. 12th St. Room 300A, St. Paul, MN 55155.
The Minnesota American Legion Foundation is a 501c3 organization. Gambling funds are permitted.