American Legion Riders

Go to All-Family Events Calendar

All-Family Events Calendar

Stay up to date on what's happening in the Legion in Minnesota.

Go to ALR Director: Send in runs, rides and fundraisers

ALR Director: Send in runs, rides and fundraisers

With fall upon us, many of us Legion Riders are hoping for a couple of more rides before we have to put our bikes away for the winter.

Go to Pearl Harbor Rally is December 9

Pearl Harbor Rally is December 9

PAYNESVILLE — The Pearl Harbor Rally happens Dec. 9 at Paynesville Post 271 this year.

Go to Ride for the Stones raises $16,000

Ride for the Stones raises $16,000

The ride broke all records; 126 bikes and 40 riders, “many” non-riders and a huge number of raffle items and food, raising over $16,000 to enable the purchased nearly 80 pavers.

Go to Fund 85 Run raises money for helping veterans

Fund 85 Run raises money for helping veterans

The Fund 85 Run started out at Forest Lake Post 225 and went to Arcadia, Wis., and back on Aug. 19.

Go to Legacy Run raises dough for scholarships

Legacy Run raises dough for scholarships

Riders headed out from Pine City Post 51 on July 26 after experiencing hospitality and receiving donations.

Go to Legion Riders: Goal is to report successes of Riders

Legion Riders: Goal is to report successes of Riders

My goal this year is to report all our successes to the Legion so that everyone in the Legion Family knows what the Riders do.