American Legion Hospital Association seeks 2 board members

The American Legion Family Hospital Association has processed seven applicants seeking financial assistant at a recent meeting.

Our ALFHA Board of Directors members were Department Commander Jennifer Havlick, Department Auxiliary President Mary Kuperus, SAL Detachment Commander Tim Weaver, Jenny Nelson, Tom Fernlund, Theresa Soltis, Gary Weaver and me. We said farewell to Alberta Marth-Wohlfeil, who passed away in March. ALFHA members decided not to fill her spot.
Marth-Wohlfeil and I have reached the point of six years in a row. The maximum number of years is six that any ALFHA director can have. This creates the two new openings for the election of new members for these openings at the Department of Minnesota Fall Conference in St. Cloud.
There will be an election of one Sons of The American Legion and one election for a Legion member. Nominations will come from the floor for those being nominated and are registered at the Fall Conference. The votes will be counted, and the ones receiving the most votes getting the seats.
Your attendance at this meeting is very important. These members are working to help our American Legion Family members in their time of needing some type of financial assistance up to $4,000.
Roger Stoick of the 10th District has been ALFHA’s claims negotiator and will continue to be there to work on applications for assistance as they come in.
Robert Bristo is a Sons of The American Legion member with Minneapolis Gopher Post 440 , an SAL national vice commander and president of the ALFHA Board of Directors.