Who is going to Commander Hassing’s Testimonial Dinner?

MONTGOMERY — Department Commander Paul Hassing will be honored at his Testimonial Dinner. Montgomery Post 79’s Taco Terco will provide the meal.
Starting at 4 p.m. in Faribault, Bloomington Post 550 will provide its bus to shuttle guests between Post 79, the Quality Inn in New Prague, and the four hotels on the north side of Faribault.
Social hour is 5 p.m. Dinner, followed by program is 6 p.m. Entertainment is 8 p.m.
This event is a chance for members of the American Legion Family to sit back, relax and enjoy camaraderie following a year of hard work and great effort. This one, especially, is going to be a great time you don’t want to miss.
New Prague Quality Inn & Suites: 952-758-7300
Faribault Days Inn: 507-334-6835
Faribault Hometown Inn & Suites: 507-334-1634
Boarders Inn & Suites Faribault: 507-334-9464
GrandStay Residential Suites Faribault: 507-334-2888
The dinner is $30. To pay online, go to mnlegion.org and click on “Events.” There is an Eventbrite link available.
To pay offline, mail payment and names of attendees to Jody Hassing, 108 N. Circle Drive, Montgomery, MN 56069-1326. Make the check out to “Jody Hassing.”
Tickets must be purchased before end of day June 16.
Questions about the event can be emailed to jodyhassing@gmail.com. Questions about Eventbrite can be emailed to tengstrom@mnlegion.org.