What does Fund 85 do?

ST. PAUL — Minnesota American Legion Foundation Fund 85 is the Minnesota Veterans Assistance Fund.
Your charity makes a difference. Here, the Legionnaire provides our readers with Fund 85 money disbursed Jan.-July. The funds don’t go to the veteran, but, rather, to the need, such as a landlord or utility. “Housing security” means preventing homelessness.
Date Post Funds Comment
Jan. 3: Post 98, $1,390, Housing security
Jan. 9: Post 1776, $4,081, Overdue bills, housing security
Jan. 12: Post 1982, $4,561, Truck payment, overdue bills
Feb. 17: Post 96, $744, Past due utilities, car repair
Feb. 22: Post 89, $4,044 Overdue utilities, housing security
March 6: Post 1982, $1,675 Housing security
March 9: Post 1982, $4,093 Purchase scooter
March 10: Post 172, $5,000 Repair water leak (BTYR helped)
March 13: Post 260, $5,000 Purchase motor vehicle
March 13: Post 1982, $564 Housing security, chair purchase
March 13: ADSO, $1,281 Overdue bill and car payment
March 16: Post 1982, $1,428 Overdue phone, heat, car bills
March 21: Post 96, $1,135 Housing security, overdue bill
March 21: Post 1776, $4,870 Overdue bills, child care, insurance
April 4: Post 1982, $3,024 Housing security
April 14: Post 1776, $1,146 Car repairs
April 24: Post 77, $2,078 Housing security
May 3: Post 1982, $3,354 Overdue bill to secure housing
May 4: Post 47, $926 Overdue car payment
May 9: Post 130, $5,000 Part of car repair
May 30: Post 47, $5,000 Overdue housing and car bills
May 30: Post 172, $2,872 Reconnect electricity
June 6: Post 47, $4,000 Part of car repair
June 22: Post 47, $5,000 Housing security
June 26: Post 72, $5,000 Part of well replacement (no water)
June 26: Post 47, $2,389 Housing security, utilities
July 5: Post 47, $599 Housing security
July 5: Post 47, $1,900 Utilities, housing security
July 18: Post 47, $2,561 Plumbing (Homehelp paid $1,500)
July 20: Post 560, $1,308 Utilities, housing security
July 20: Post 225, $1,946 Car, housing, insurance
July 24: Post 621, $4,017 Housing security, overdue bills
Note: The Department VA&R staff referred many others in need of assistance to other sources so they would not use up their $5,000 MVAF eligibility. Also, this does not represent all veterans helped by The American Legion, as many posts assist veterans at the local level, too, mainly through gambling proceeds, without seeking foundation help.
To donate to Fund 85, visit our donation page here and write “Fund 85” in the space provided, or mail a check to Minnesota American Legion Foundation, 20 W. 12th St. Room 300A, St. Paul, MN 55155-2000. Please make the check out to “Minnesota American Legion Foundation” and write “Fund 85” in the memo. The Minnesota American Legion Foundation is a separate 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. The Minnesota Gambling Control Board allows gambling funds to be given to the foundation.