Vietnam Veterans Day to be honored at Forest Lake post

FOREST LAKE — American Legion Post 225 in Forest Lake is hosting its Vietnam Veterans Day Ceremony for the 17th year.
It has been scheduled for 2 p.m. Sunday, March 24, at the post. The emcee will be American Legion Department of Minnesota Commander Paul Hassing.
The guest speaker will be retired Col. Wilbur J. Latham Jr., a Vietnam veteran and recipient of the Distinguished Flying Cross and Silver Star.
He is from Iowa and served as an Air Force fighter pilot. He flew more than 100 missions over North Vietnam in 1966. He later served with and retired from the 132nd Tactical Fighter Wing of the Iowa Air National Guard.
Event organizers announced a $500 Vietnam Veterans Memorial Scholarship that will honor Vietnam veteran David Guerrette, who greatly assisted with the ceremony over its 17 years.
All veterans, their families and the public are welcome to attend this free event.