Uniforms, tuxes and dresses make for a fun evening in Spring Grove

By Jan Lee Buxengard
Veterans and supporters dance at the 17th annual Military Ball, held April 20 in the Fest Building in Spring Grove. It is organized by members from Spring Grove Post 249, Caledonia Post 191 and Houston Post 423.

SPRING GROVE — The 17th annual Military Ball, hosted by the military family, was held April 20 at the Fest Building in Spring Grove.

The attendance of 102 encompassed a wide range of the tri-state area and with many wearing their military or veteran organization uniform.

Ret. Navy Cmdr. Christian Myrah of Spring Grove was emcee for the event.

Flag detail was organized by John Geiwitz of Houston. Presentation of colors for the opening ceremony included U.S. flag bearer Paul Hosfield of Burnsville, POW/MIA flag – Howard Wilson of Tomah, Wis., and flag escorts Lowell Stephas of Fountain and John Iverson of Medford. Service flag bearers were: Army, Steve Hauschildt of Winona; Marines, Earl Roberts of Mindoro, Wis (assisted by Allen Buxengard of La Crescent); Coast Guard, Gary Buxengard of Spring Grove; Navy, John Geiwitz of Houston; and Air Force, Brad Buege of Houston.

Paul Hosfield presents the U.S. flag, escorted by John Iverson.

Arlyn Pohlman of Caledonia led the POW/MIA ceremony “Remember”, with Robert Karlsbroten of Houston assisting at the table for one.

For the final salute ceremony, Gary Buxengard read the Roll Call, honoring the 54 veterans of Houston County who answered their last call during calendar year 2023. Randy Denstad of Caledonia rang the bell twice after each name, followed by Cheers Big Band trumpet players providing a military salute of echo taps.

Following toasts the catered meal was served by Good Times of Caledonia.

Guest speaker was Siri Corson, a student at Fillmore Central High School. In March of 2023 as a junior, she placed second in the nation in the Voice of Democracy essay contest.

“What makes a veteran an important part of our society lies, not only in the act of laying one’s life down for the sake of the nation we call home, but also in their selflessness and integrity,” she said.

Corson’s great-grandfather, Manford Corson, served in World War II.”

Speaker was Siri Corson of Fillmore Central High School.

After the flags were retired and the candle on the POW-MIA table extinguished, Cheers Big Band played music for dancing and listening pleasure for the remainder of the evening. The eight-piece ensemble was sponsored again this year by Ellestad family members in memory of Mervin and Norma Ellestad.


Next year’s ball

Save the date of April 26, 2025, for the 18th annual Military Ball.

This event is planned and carried out by a committee of volunteers from American Legion posts in the local area, including Randy Denstad, Arlyn Pohlman and Lucille Lemke of the Caledonia post; John Geiwitz of the Houston post; Fordyce and Marge Brevig, Gary and Jan Lee Buxengard, Nancy Dahl and Kathy Schiessler of the Spring Grove post.

The committee expresses appreciation and gratitude to everyone who has helped in any way to make the ball the special event that it is. If you are interested in being on this committee, want to help support or want more information about the event, please contact the Buxengard’s at 597-498-3461 or janleebuxengard@gmail.com.

The POW/MIA ceremony is performed by Arlyn Pohlman and assisted by Robert Karlsbroten.