Tolzmann backed for Alternate NEC

By Auxiliary Department of Minnesota

Fred K. Werner American Legion Auxiliary Unit 287 in Minnesota Lake proudly endorses Raleen Tolzmann for the office of Alternate National Executive Committeeman for the Department of Minnesota for the 2024-2026 years. Tolzmann is eligible through her husband, Curtis Tolzmann, a veteran of the Vietnam era and past Post 287 commander.

Curt and Raleen have two daughters (Paula and Ramona) and one son (Adarn), five grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren. Raleen and Curt live at Lake Jefferson near Cleveland. They attend St. Paul’s Lutheran Church on German Lake. Raleen has served in the following areas:

Raleen Tolzmann mugshot
Raleen Tolzmann

She has been a member of Unit 287 for 30 years. She has served as president five times and has served on almost all of the unit chairmanships. Faribault County Council Auxiliary president several times. She currently is the unit president.

At the district level, was president in 2003-2004, 1st vice and 2nd vice president, two years on the executive board and served on the following committees: Membership, Americanism, Finance, Leadership, advisor, Public Relations, Poppy, Community Service, Auxiliary Emergency Fund, chaplain, Parliamentarian, Resolutions and By-Laws, Past President Parley, Girls State and secretary/treasurer, District Color Guard and Page Department Conventions. She is currently serving as the district secretary/treasurer.

She served as Department of Minnesota president 2012-2013, department 1st vice president, de-partment 2nd vice president, legislative chairman, membership chairman, Americanism chairman, Girls State Committee, Girls State staff, Junior Activities chairman, Children & Youth, National Security, Musical Extravaganza, sergeant-at-arms, Credentials Committee, National Security chairman, Past President Parley and Leadership. Tolzmann is currently the National Executive Committee person for Minnesota.

At the national level, she has been NEC, Alternate NEC, national community service chairman (2018-2019), vice chairman of public relations, the following committee chairman in the Northwestern Division-Membership, Auxiliary Emergency Fund, Junior Activities (twice), National Security Northwestern Division Auxiliary Emergency Fund chairperson. Tolzmann is the Northwestern Division Children & Youth chairman for 2023-2024. She has always been involved in her community and church along with the American Legion Auxiliary.