Column: This membership goal is a real possibility

By Gary Richardson

Greetings, Minnesota Sons of the American Legion! As your new Detachment membership director, I am going to challenge each squadron in the state to get at least one new member and 100 percent renewal of all members currently active. I believe this is an achievable goal for the Detachment of Minnesota.

I need all SAL district commanders to get their membership directors’ contact information, to include their email addresses and phone numbers, to me as soon as possible so that we can get a viable program established for the detachment.

You can send this to: or call me at 612-749-5711. Each squadron should have received their membership packets by now. If not, PLEASE call me as soon as possible!

Membership is critical to the operation of our organization and the support of our American Legion. I look forward to working with each of you this year to achieve our goals.

Gary Richardson is the membership director for the SAL Detachment of Minnesota.