There remains time to sign up for Boys State

We are still welcoming registrations of high school junior boys to the 75th session of Minnesota’s American Legion Boys State. St. John’s University will host us June 9 through the 15. All information needed to register can be found at

American Legion members are invited to observe for a day. Sunday is an organizational and “get to know each other” period. Monday includes city campaigning and the election of city officers. Tuesday and Wednesday the boys will be involved with the political process — city and county caucusing and the State Party Convention where nominees for state offices will be selected by each party.
There will be more city business, as well as an introduction to county government. Election of legislators and county board members will lead to Thursday’s meetings of the Legislature and county boards.
Thursday night each party has a half-hour presentation of their candidates and party platform to all of Boys State. Friday includes the election of state officers, legislative and county board activities, and finishes with a choir concert and commencement speaker. Saturday, scholarships and other awards are presented as the week concludes.
Come see what your sponsorship entails for participants. Thank you for your continued support of the Boys State program!
Neil Kruse is a counselor for Minnesota American Legion Boys State.