Chaplain: Scriptures encourage healthy lifestyle

By Dean Knutson

Now that we have celebrated another holiday season, I hope that yours was one of happiness and joy and time spent with family and loved ones.

With the hustle and bustle of the busy schedule and season, how we can once again think about living a more healthy, balanced and controlled lifestyle?

There are many things that may get in our way and distract us from the plans that we may think we would like to get done on a daily basis.

Whether it be something that comes up at home or at work, there always seems to be something else that needs to get done and throws us off track.

It may be a word of anger toward a loved one or a fit of road rage while you are driving or an unexpected phone call or a message from either a friend or family member.

Dean Knutson mugshot
Dean Knutson

No matter what the circumstances are, we need to be able to balance out these items of our lives with everything else we have going on.

If we are unable to find a way to balance them out, we may feel overwhelmed or stressed out.

Usually, when we hear about living a healthy and balanced lifestyle, we think of eating sensibly and exercising to some extent.

We need to remember that there is one way that we can find rest and relaxation in our lives that can get us through all circumstances that may arise.

Making sure that we spend time reading Scriptures is a way of calming our spirit and helping us with our daily problems and concerns. God has a way of exposing the problems that we are storing up inside of ourselves. The more faith we have in His Word, He begins to expel these problems and helps us to live a happier, healthier and balanced lifestyle.

The Scriptures point out to us that our bodies are not our own, but they are a gift given to us by God. Therefore, we are asked to honor God with our bodies by taking care of them. This includes eating a healthy diet, getting enough exercise and avoiding those things that would cause harm to our bodies.

It also says that a joyful and happy heart are important to our physical and mental being. Laughter is one way for us to reduce stress, help the immune system and improve our overall well-being.

Even as physical exercise is important for our overall well-being, Godliness is even more important and of greater value to us.

It is important for us to take care of our physical selves, it is equally important for us to focus on our spiritual health and growth.

Dates to remember in January and February:

New Year’s Day: Jan. 1

World Braille Day: Jan. 4

Epiphany: Jan. 6 (the 12th day of Christmas)

Law Enforcement Appreciation Day: Jan. 9

Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Jan. 15

National Day of Racial Healing: Jan. 16

Christian Unity Week: Jan. 18-25

World Religion Day: Jan. 21

Tu Bishvat: Jan. 24

Belly Laugh Day: Jan. 24

Holocaust Remembrance Day: Jan. 27

Feb. 1: Start of Black History Month

Groundhog Day: Feb. 2

Candlemas: Feb. 2

World Cancer Day: Feb. 4

Chinese New Year: Feb. 10

Lunar New Year: Feb. 10

Super Bowl Sunday: Feb. 11

Mardi Gras: Feb. 13

Valentine’s Day: Feb. 14

Ash Wednesday: Feb. 14

Random Acts of Kindness Day: Feb. 17

Presidents Day: Feb. 19

Leap Day: Feb. 29

Dean Knutson of Ashby Post 357 is the chaplain for The American Legion Department of Minnesota.