American Legion Auxiliary Department President Mary Kuperus, Sons of American Legion Detachment Commander Tim Weaver, American Legion Department Commander Jennifer Havlick, Director of the Minnesota American Legion Riders Ted Berg and Honorary Department Junior President Sydney Borntrager.
Department President Mary Kuperus with the 2022-2023 Unit Member of the Year Bonnie Luedloff, Waconia Unit 150.
Front row from left are Department 1st Vice President Judy Ackerman, Department President Sharon Cross, Department 2nd Vice President Robin Dorf. Back row from left are 1st District President Michelle Weaver, 2nd District President Kollett Kaehlert, 3rd District President Deanna Meyer, 4th District President Tamara Michaels, 5th District President Cari Lamb, 6th District President Patti Gunderson, 7th District President Hope Wilson, 8th District President Sharon Voltz, 9th District President Rebecca Olson, 10th District President Anne Steffen.
Outgoing President Mary Kuperus after being inducted into the Department Past Presidents Parley visited The American Legion Department of Minnesota side of the convention on Friday and had her photo taken with a big gnome gifted to Outgoing Commander Jennifer Havlick.
Outgoing President Mary Kuperus and Outgoing Honorary Junior President Sydney Borntrager light a candle at the Memorial Service at the Department Convention on July 13.
Outgoing President Mary Kuperus and Outgoing Commander Jennifer Havlick carry wreaths during the Memorial Service on July 13.