Mary Hanson and Myron Ehrich from the 1st District and await the start of the DEC meeting at the Fall Conference on Oct. 26. Behind them are Past Department Chaplain Betty Jazz and 40&8 Grand Chef du Gare Gary Miller.
Department Commander Paul Hassing is about to tap the gavel for the DEC meeting before the Fall Conference on Oct. 26.
Department Membership Director Pam Krill speaks to Department Vice Commander Paul Edwards before the DEC meeting’s start.
Sergeant-at-Arms Brad Pagel places the POW/MIA cover on a chair at the front of the DEC meeting Oct. 26.
James A. LaCoursiere Jr. of Connecticut, leading candidate for 2024-25 national commander, is from Moosup, Conn.
James A. LaCoursiere Jr. of Connecticut, leading candidate for 2024-25 national commander, spoke at the conference.
Carl Moon addressed the Department Executive Committee on Oct. 26 on behalf of Legionville and the Finance Committee.
Minnesota American Legion Foundation Board President Lloyd Ricker gives a report about the foundation’s Fund 85. Behind him is Department Service Officer Ray Kane.
Legislative Chairwoman Kristy Janigo addresses the Department Executive Committee on Oct. 26.
Department Judge Advocate Greg Colby refers to an article on cannabis in the Star-Tribune.
Past 3rd District Commander Gary Richardson is serving as the SAL detachment membership director.
Past National Commander Dan Ludwig speaks to the Fall Conference.
Past 9th District Commander Terry Buraas sits near the back.
Sixth District Commander Anthony Koop, left, and 8th District Commander Jennifer Havlick, right, are honored with letters from the national commander for their districts contributions to the Veterans & Children Foundation.
Department Commander Paul Hassing addresses the Department Executive Committee.
Sixth District Commander Anthony Koop speaks about Legionville.
A representative from Visit Greater St. Cloud welcomes the Legionnaire to the city.
Department Adjutant Mike Maxa speaks at the Fall Conference.
Department Vice Commander Bill Gordon speaks with Convention Committee Treasurer Al Davis at the registration desk.
From left are Past Department Commander Jennifer Havlick, leading candidate for national commander James A. LaCoursiere Jr. of Connecticut, Current Department Commander Paul Hassing and Past Department Commander Tom Fernlund.
Past Department Chaplain Kelley Adelsman speaks on “Be the One.”
Andrea Perry and Laura Stumvoll of the Minneapolis VA Medical Center give a training session on prevention of suicides.
Jan Ekert listens during a breakout training session.
Mike Ash and Gary Richardson give a training session on post revitalization.
A dog stole hearts at the Fall Conference.
Sgt. Mercedes Klein of Detachment Support Company, 4th Law Enforcement Battalion shares a laugh with friends and family in the staging room.
Mike Parry interviews Petty Officer 1st Class Jacob Hayden of the Navy Reserve Center Fargo for his podcast.
Department Sergeant-at-Arms Brad Pagel, right, speaks with Sgt. 1st Class Tonya Eichner of HHB for 1st Battalion, 151st Field Artillery Regiment, in the staging room.
Staff Sgt. Brian L. Lesetmoe of A Company, 2nd Combined Arms Battalion, 136th Infantry Regiment, thanks the Legion for the award he received.
Boatswain Mate 3rd Class Aaron Busch of Coast Guard Station Duluth thanks the Legion for the award he received.
Senior Master Sgt. Lief Christensen of the 133rd Airlift Wing thanks the Legion for the award he received.
Petty Officer 1st Class Jacob Hayden of the Navy Reserve Center Fargo thanks the Legion for the award he received.
Sgt. Mercedes Klein of Detachment Support Company, 4th Law Enforcement Battalion, thanks the Legion for the award she received.
Sgt. 1st Class Tonya Eichner of HHB for 1st Battalion, 151st Field Artillery Regiment thanks the Legion for the award she received.
Members of the Minnesota American Legion listen to a presenter.
James A. LaCoursiere Jr. of Connecticut, leading candidate for 2024-25 national commander, speaks to the Fall Conference shortly after the Outstanding Enlisted Awards were presented.
Joe Tappainer of Apple Valley Post 1776 gives instruction on being a new post officer.
Kristy Janigo, left, gives a breakout training session on legislative issues. She is the chairwoman of the Department Legislative Committee. With her is Mike Parry, a member of her committee.
Legislative Committee member Mike Parry gives a lesson in what not to say in regard to legislative issues.
Department Membership Director Pam Krill leads a class on
Department Judge Advocate leads a breakout training session on post legal issues.
Mohamed Sabur of the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office speaks on the “Duty of Corporate Officers.”
Department Judge Advocate Greg Colby introduces the Fall Conference guest speaker Mohamed Sabur of the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office.
Junior Honorary Department President Taylor McElroy, Auxiliary NECman Jean Walker and NW Division Vice President Karen Susag smile for a photo together at the Fall Conference.
Minnesota Auxiliary Department President Sharon Cross addresses the Minnesota American Legion.
Members of the Minnesota American Legion applaud Junior Honorary Department President Taylor McElroy for being a Legionnaire, too. It is rare for a person to be an Auxiliary Junior member and a Legionnaire at the same time.
Junior Honorary Department President Taylor McElroy withholds a smile after donning her Legion cap. She entered the military before her senior year of high school.
Junior Honorary Department President Taylor McElroy talks about her project, Believet.
From left are Auxiliary Department President Sharon Cross, American Legion Department Commander Paul Hassing, Minnesota Auxiliary NECman Jean Walker, Auxiliary NW Division National Vice President Karen Susag of the Department of Montana and Junior Honorary Department President Taylor McElroy.
Minnesota American Legion Riders Director Jody Hassing speaks. Minnesota ALR Secretary Shawn Davis stands behind her.
Joseph Bares of Jordan Post 3 smiles for the camera.
SAL Detachment of Minnesota Commander John Weiss of St. Paul Arcade-Phalen Squadron 577 speaks Oct. 28 at the Fall Conference in St. Cloud.
SAL Detachment Commander John Weiss presents a $500 check from St. Paul Arcade-Phalen Post 577 to the Commander’s Project.
Department Comptroller Rachael Hill speaks about department finances at the Fall Conference on Oct. 28.
Assistant Department Service Officer Janet Lorenzo speaks Oct. 28 at the Fall Conference.
Virginia Post 239 baseball player John Kendall, center, receives a plaque designating him a member of the American Legion Baseball All-Academic Team. The recognition is a honor given to just nine Legion Baseball players nationally.
The 6th District was the winner of the Kaisersatt Derby membership contest. From left are Department Membership Director Pam Krill, 6th District Commander Anthony Koop and Department Commander Paul Hassing.
Sixth District Commander Anthony Koop presents a $1,000 check from his home post, Ironton Post 443, to Department Commander Paul Hassing’s Project, which is the Minnesota Veterans Assistance Fund. Koop is the gambling manager for Post 443.
Koop presents $14,084 in checks from his 6th District Commander’s Project, which is Legionville.
10th District Commander Matt Berens presents a $541 check for Legionville, proceeds from the pork chop dinner at the Camporee.
Past Department Commander Tom Fernlund presents a $500 check to Legionville from the Minnesota American Legion Riders from the Romp and a $100 check to Legionville from John and Jean Walker. Accepting is Legionville Vice President Victor Gades.