Registration is open for Legionville

By Rachael Hill
Campers hug their counselor at the end of a session at Legionville in 2024.

BRAINERD — Make the most out of summer with programs that enable kids to get outdoors, meet new friends and learn lifelong skills.
Campers may be sponsored and tuition paid by an American Legion post, school, other community organization, or an adult such as a parent or guardian.

The registration fee is $500 per student and is paid by the sponsor.

“Does your post send campers to Legionville?” said Minnesota NECman Bill Barbknecht. “If they don’t, they should. This is part and parcel of what we do.”

Often posts mail the check to Department HQ at 20 W. 12th St Room 300A, St. Paul, MN 55155, with the camper’s name and contact info of the parents. Then HQ gives the parents a code for registration purposes as proof of payment.

Legionville is separate nonprofit organization, and post gambling funds are permissible.

Visit for further registration details. Questions? Email Comptroller Rachael Hill at
Session dates for 2025 are June 15-20, June 22-27, July 6-11, July 13-18, July 20-25, July 27-Aug. 1.