Presidents Day is a time for patriotism

We observed Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, on Jan. 20, and will observe Presidents Day on Feb. 17, let us honor their legacies. Congress established George Washington’s birthday on Feb. 22 as a federal holiday in 1879. The day had been informally celebrated since the great general’s death in 1799.
In 1968, Congress passed an act moving the observance to the third Monday of February starting in 1971.
However, Congress never named the day “Presidents Day.” Instead, Americans popularized the term in the 1980s to honor President Abraham Lincoln’s birthday as well (Feb. 12). Since then, it has come to honor all presidents.
Also, that’s why the punctuation lacks uniformity. Some organizations say President’s Day, for President Washington. Some say Presidents’ Day, showing plural possession. Newspapers have determined the name is Presidents Day, with “presidents” serving as a descriptor, not possessive. This is similar in construction to Veterans Day.
We know the history and the impact they had on our country and its citizens. So now is the time for the American Legion Auxiliary to step up and honor their legacies through our mission of Service Not Self.
“One person can make a difference, and everyone should try.” — John F. Kennedy
“The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.” — Franklin D. Roosevelt
“Everybody can be great…because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.” — Martin Luther King
So, let’s be great!
How can we do this, you ask? Here are a few suggestions. Gather your unit members and include your Juniors and organize a patriotic holiday event or volunteer for local patriotic events in Auxiliary attire and network with prospective members.
Recognize your patriotic neighbors! Create certificates and visit businesses and/or homes in your area and thank them for flying the American flag properly.
Although schools are closed on Presidents Day, plan a nearby day to visit your local schools and teach flag etiquette. There are many tools available through Emblem Sales to assist with this project.
Work with other Auxiliary committees to provide clean up services, assist with VA Stand Downs, and ALA Girls State recruiting.
The American Legion Oratorical season is upon us. Coordinate with your posts to volunteer. Perhaps provide refreshments after the presentations for the contestants, volunteers and audience. Offer to serve as a timer or chaperone. Attend the various levels of the contest as an audience member. If you haven’t done this before, you will be quite impressed with the knowledge and skills of these students. And you will certainly learn more about the Constitution.
Americanism Essay Reminder: Be sure to follow up with the schools you work with to pick up the essays. Make sure you follow the various deadlines in your department, make sure your first-place winners are sent to your division chairman by April 15. For details on the Americanism Essay Contest, visit The Americanism Essay Contest was created to teach students the value of patriotism and what it means to be Americans.
Thousands of students participate in the program each year and help promote a lifelong respect of our flag and country. Students (grades 3 to 12) explore the fundamental rights and freedoms we enjoy today. Each year’s contest has a different theme; one student in each category per division is awarded a prize.
There is a category for students with special needs. Current Essay Theme: “What does America the Beautiful mean to me (regarding veterans and our military)?”
- Recognize Essay Contest winners with an award.
- Contact your local news to attend the award ceremony. (make sure you get the parents’ approval) Invite winners to read their entry at your unit meeting.
Upcoming Dates in February: February is Americanism Month & Black History Month. Feb. 3 is Four Chaplains Day. Feb. 4 is USO Birthday. Feb. 9-15 is National Salute to Veteran Patients. Feb. 17 is Presidents Day. Feb. 19 is Coast Guard Birthday.