President: Project has to do with veterans homes

By Judy Ackerman

It seems like yesterday that the 2024 Department Convention was just starting.  Here we are, the election is over, and I have embarked on this journey as your department president for 2024-25. Thank you to everyone for your support. We are in this together.

This year is the year to go “Back to the Basics: Recognize, Respect, Remember.” We need to Recognize all veterans, men and women. Everyone needs to be treated with Respect. Remember all those that have given their all for the love of country. Remember our traditions.

The project chosen for this year has two parts. Part 1 is to raise funds for rehabilitation equipment for at least four of our eight Minnesota Veterans Homes. The equipment that is at the top of their wish list is a Kinevia Duo and a Scifit Stepper.

These pieces of equipment will allow patients to roll up to the equipment and either peddle or work on upper body. Please see the pictures and descriptions of the equipment in the unit mailings.

Judy Ackerman

Part 2 is to raise funds and products for personal care kits for female veterans that will be seen at the new women’s clinic at the Minneapolis VA that will open in the spring of 2025.  The required items will be in the unit mailing.

Plans are under way for this year’s Fall Conference.

The big news is that the incoming National President for 2024-2025, Trish Ward, will be joining us for Thursday night. Let’s spread the word and get as many members to attend Fall Conference in St. Cloud to meet and hear National President Trish Ward. The Thursday night session is open to the entire American Legion Family. The more the merrier.

Thank you to our units and districts for the work that you do every day to support our veterans, active-duty military, their families and your communities. Your dedication to the mission of The American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary programs is evident in the work that you do.

Please toot your own horn to anyone and brag about what you do in your local media (newspaper, radio, Facebook, twitter, Instagram, webpage). Please send the Department Office pictures of your events. You never know. Your picture could make the big screen at Department Convention.

Thank you to the veterans, units and other volunteers who have taken on the task to learn how to make poppies. We are still in need of poppy makers. If you know of a veteran who would like to learn how to make poppies, please contact Department Poppy Chairman Lorinda Kies, the Department Office or me. We will teach them how to make them.

Speaking of poppies, something different is going to be tried. Please come to Fall Conference and participate in a poppy-making challenge/competition event.

September is Junior Activities Month. Find ways to get your juniors involved within your unit. Ask them to help with promoting your events on social media.

Annual reports are a permanent fixture in our organization. Keep track of what your unit is doing. More in-depth explanations on what is needed for this coming year’s annual reports will be brought forward in the next few months.

Judy Ackerman of Northrop Unit 522 is the president of the American Legion Auxiliary Department of Minnesota. Her theme is “Back to the Basics: Recognize, Respect, Remember”