President: On membership, legislation and Sweetheart Rally

By Sharon Cross, President

Attention all units!

All units that reach 100 percent by Jan. 31 will receive a 100 percent ribbon from the National American Legion Auxiliary. Encourage your members to renew their dues and continue to support the wonderful things our American Legion Auxiliary does for our veterans, military, and their families.

Mugshot for Sharon Cross
Sharon Cross

Let’s get dancing with our members and get them to recruit, rejoin and renew members!

I can’t believe that I am six months into my year as the president of the American Legion Auxiliary Department of Minnesota. My year is half over, and time is passing quickly.

As we begin 2024, if you haven’t already, renew your dues. Don’t let your benefits lapse. If you are not a member in good standing for three consecutive years, then you cannot use benefits like the American Legion Family Hospital Association available to all members and their family or the Auxiliary Emergency Fund.

January is National Security and Legislation Month. Have your unit sponsor an event like C.E.R.T. training in your communities so everyone is prepared in case of an emergency.

Also, the S.A.V.E. Program so you are ready to identify an issue and save a life. It is also time to brush up on our veteran issues coming before the legislature and contact our congressmen repeatedly to get them onboard and support The American Legion Legislative priorities.

I will be traveling during the weeks and every weekend in January to as many of the District Mid-Winter Conferences happening around the state that I can. I am attending National American Legion Auxiliary Mission Training that is being held on Jan. 27 so that I am home in Minnesota for our Sweetheart Rally.

Visits will include a few of our units for special events I have been invited to attend.

February is Americanism month, and the Sweetheart Rally will be Feb. 3 in Forest Lake at Post 225. It is a luncheon, membership rally and is hosted by the Auxiliary for all The American Legion Family.

You will find more information included in the Legionnaire from Department Membership Chairman Jenny Nelson to register for the meal. Bring those new members as we continue the challenge for every member to sign up just one new member.

Don’t let your benefits or those of your fellow members lapse. If you are not a member in good standing for three consecutive years, then you cannot use benefits like The American Legion Family Hospital Association available to all members and their family or the Auxiliary Emergency Fund. I will be traveling to the 90th American Legion Pilgrimage to Lincoln’s Tomb.

A great way to finish off Americanism month will be attending the Department Oratorical Contest at Anoka Post 102. I love hearing our young men and women speaking about our Constitution. What a great learning opportunity for 9-12th grade students! It is always good fellowship and good times when we can be together.

Start the conversation and Be the One to save one.

Sharon Cross of Bemidji Unit 14 is the president of the American Legion Auxiliary Department of Minnesota. Her theme is “Be The One to Dance Into the Hearts of Veterans.”