President: Let’s reach 85 percent mark by March 15

By Judy Ackerman

Mid-winter conferences are almost over. I hope many of you were able to attend your district’s mid-winter and that you learned something new.

The month of February has several special days in it.

February is Americanism Month for the American Legion Auxiliary. Please promote the Americanism program at your unit meeting.

Judy Ackerman

Feb. 2 is the Sunday that the four chaplains of the USAT Dorchester are remembered. Lt. George Fox, Methodist minister, Lt. Alexander Goode, Jewish Rabbi, Lt. Clark Poling, Dutch Reformed minister, and Lt. John Washington, Roman Catholic priest, distributed life jackets until they ran out.

They then removed their life jackets to save four others. As the ship was sinking, the four chaplains were seen standing on the ship’s stern, arms locked as they prayed and sang hymns. Not only was it a sign of bravery, but the chaplains put aside their different faiths and prayed as one.

The Sweetheart Rally will be held at the Royalton American Legion on Saturday, Feb. 8. Please reserve your ticket and bring a lot of membership with you. Membership Chairman Hope Wilson and I want to bring the Department Merit Medallion to Minnesota. The biggest hurdle for this achievement is to achieve the 85 percent benchmark membership goal by March 15.

Per the ALAMIS report as of Jan. 10, the department needs 1,726 members to reach the 85 percent. This is attainable, but we need your help. Thank you for all the work you have done so far this year.

Happy Valentine’s Day. Take the time and send a valentine to a veteran. Presidents Day is Feb. 17.

Judy Ackerman of Northrop Unit 522 is the president of the American Legion Auxiliary Department of Minnesota. Her theme is “Back to the Basics: Recognize, Respect, Remember.”