NECman: Winter brings district conferences, trip to D.C.

By Bill Barbknecht

Donna and I hope you all had a very good Thanksgiving. Everyone has so much to be thankful for, some may take a little looking around for, but I promise it is there.

As we approach Christmas, I ask you to do a Buddy Check, with someone you may have not seen in a while. That may just be your thankful. Go visit them, talk to them, maybe they just can’t afford their dues, help them to pay that, just plain help in any way you can. Again, that may just be your thankful.

National HQ has changed the name of the American Legion Child Welfare Foundation to the Child Well-Being Foundation.

The Pearl Harbor Rally is over as you read this. The American Legion Riders did an outstanding job. We have the best Riders in our organization. Great work, Jody Hassing and former directors of this program of the American Legion. Some posts need to work with your Riders and SAL as they are a programs under The American Legion.  We can get so much done by working together.

Is your post’s constitution and bylaws updated? Where are they and who has access to them? Posts are expected to update them about every five years. If you need help, call your district officers.

Bill Barbknecht

Mid-Winter Conferences will be starting Jan. 11 and every weekend in January, as well as some in February.  We look forward to attending as many as possible. Feb. 8 will be the next statewide American Legion Family get-together. The Sweetheart Rally is at Royalton Post 137. The social hour is 11 a.m., meal at noon, program follows. Rallies are for everyone — Legion, Auxiliary, Sons, Riders. Let’s have a great attendance.

Royalton has a beautiful Post, and plenty of room.

Have you visited your school about the Oratorical Contest? Thousands of dollars in scholarships may be won. Please get a student to enter. It is not too early to think of Boys State or Safety Patrol at Legionville either.

Yes, The American Legion has many opportunities and programs for school-age persons.

The Washington Conference will be Feb. 23-26. We have a large delegation from Minnesota attending again this year. Legislative Chair and 10th District Commander Kristy Janigo will be heading it up for Minnesota, and you probably already know she does a phenomenal job for us.

Is your post holding any form of Christmas gathering this year? How about a day with coffee and treats. So much you can do inexpensively for your members this time of year.

We hope you have a great Christmas and maybe make the day of a servicemember from your area, with a Christmas card and a note of encouragement to an active-duty person. It’s such a small effort and means so much to them to receive that from someone who’s been in their shoes.

Know ’tis the time of year to slow down as some roads may not be in the best driving conditions. Donna and I look forward to seeing you all in 2025 somewhere.

I am also so thankful for all the prayers for our Alternate NEC Peggy Moon. She is done with all her treatments and has shared with me she will be traveling around in 2025. Welcome back, Peggy! Merry Christmas.

Bill Barbknecht of Fergus  Falls Post 30 is the Department of Minnesota’s National Executive Committeeman.