NECman: Not everyone is home for Christmas

By Bill Barbknecht

I hope you all had a very good Veterans Day and Thanksgiving.

Did you sign up a new member?  Veterans are willing to join, as they have just had a wonderful Veterans Day being honored. Is your post doing something for your members and veterans in their community for Christmas?

Dec. 9  is the Pearl Harbor Rally at 11 a.m. in Paynesville. ALL American Legion Family members are welcome.

Bill Barbknecht mugshot
Bill Barbknecht

American Legion Riders will oversee this rally. Please bring checks and donations to the Commanders Project Fund 85. Have you heard about Fund 85?  This fund helps veterans and their family members in Minnesota with heat, bills, food, transportation, driving and rent. There are many veterans in need of our help and so many of their families. If you know of any of these folks, please contact Ray Kane or Janet Lorenzo, our department service officers who work out of an office at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center.

Election year is coming 2024. We can only hope our state legislators will undo all the damage they did to our communities, children, fire departments and schools by scaling back e-tabs at our posts and at local bars and restaurants. It is not too late to do what is right for all Minnesota.

Please go visit your members and “Be the One.” Do buddy checks. Are you aware of a veteran, new or one that is not renewed? Please consider paying their dues. What a wonderful Christmas present that would be.

There is no difference when you were on the battlefield helping the one next to you to stay alive. Or helping the one next to you now, in some ways.

Donna and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and good health into the New Year.  Remember our military, many will NOT be home for Christmas.

Please call if I can be of any assistance.  My contact info is 218-770-6264 or

Bill Barbknecht of Underwood Post 489 is the Department of Minnesota’s National Executive Committeeman.