NECman: Focus on the positive aspects this summer

By Bill Barbknecht

With all our district conventions over, congratulations to all the newly elected district commanders and also to those that are staying on an extra year.

Maybe try to meet with those posts you were not able to the first time? May you enjoy the best years in The American Legion. You may meet new people and make new friends in the Legion Family.

A big thank-you to Department Commander Paul Hassing for exceeding his goal of over a $100,000 and then some. The dollars will help a lot of veterans and families.

Congratulations to Officer Scott Kostohryz of Moorhead Police Department as being named the Midwest winner for American Legion Law Enforcement Officer of the Year.

Bill Barbknecht mugshot
Bill Barbknecht

Congratulations to KARE 11. It wins the American Legion Fourth Estate Award in the Broadcast Category.  The awards will be presented at the National Convention in New Orleans in August 2024.

Baseball and Girls’ Fastpitch Softball are in full swing.  Thanks to our baseball and softball committees. Softball has more teams than it ever has had, and baseball remains the biggest in the country. Go take part in a game in your area. Veterans get in for free.

2024 dues will be collected until the end of December.  Please get those into the Department Headquarters as soon as possible.

As always, have you been doing Buddy Checks?  Go see those members who have not renewed yet.

A gentle reminder as we start the new year, we must all work together or we will not be successful at reaching our goals.

How about the Memorial Day programs?  How was yours?  My post, Fergus Falls Post 30, held an excellent Memorial Day program as I am sure many other posts did.  I am always so grateful to see young families with their children teaching them the true meaning of Memorial Day.

Please teach our children to turn this current mantra around.  The next holiday, the Fourth of July, would be a great place to start. Make plans with your members for a history lesson there.

A huge thank-you to our department staff as they do so very much for all our members. It’s not an easy task by any means.  Thank you, staff members.

Donna and I look forward to seeing many of you at the Department Convention in Willmar, July 10-13.  As we look forward to a new year, new leaders and new ideas.  “Be the One” to help others in any way shape or form.

Bill Barbknecht of Fergus  Falls Post 30 is the Department of Minnesota’s National Executive Committeeman.