NECman: Don’t be afraid to take on an officer role within your post, district, department

Spring is in the air, which means Girls Fastpitch Softball and American Legion Baseball. Our own Minnesota Twins are at their spring training too, so let’s start thinking along those lines for our youth. Get those teams registered.
I hope you have a Boys Stater picked out. Please send some children to learn at the Legionville School Safety Camp, also.
As always, “Be the One” to do buddy checks over this long cold stretch. Donna and I have an 85-year-old veteran neighbor we share food and call often. He so very much appreciates our checks on him. Go see those members and veterans, you have not seen in quite some time. Kindness goes a long way and is free.
Our membership should be at 90 percent now. The snowbirds will be returning soon, go see them, do not let them feel left out.
Has your Post planned a St. Patrick’s Day event for your veterans and others? It brings a lot of foot traffic and whatever that may produce as far as memberships also.
Just around the corner is the American Legion 106th birthday March 15-17. We go back to 1919. Even without a post home, how about a cake and coffee for all at a local community center or a church in your community?

Your post should start thinking about election of officers for the coming year. Maybe a time of change? Step up and take a leadership role. It’s OK for a commander to ask a promising member to be the next commander. Avoid thinking no one can fill the shoes for any officer role. The American Legion is about mentorship and personal growth, too.
Past National Commander Paul Dillard spoke on the matter in 2022 during his tour of Minnesota. He said a post commander should serve no longer than three years.
A very good Department Executive Committee meeting was held at Chanhassen Post 580 on March 8.
The Washington Conference was held and attended by many Legionnaires. A big thank-you to Kristy Janigo for another outstanding job getting us appointments to see aides for our two senators and congressmen.
Contact your local senator and representative to support Senate File 757 to reduce taxes on charitable gambling.
I thank all members from Minnesota who attended the Washington Conference. They are very dedicated veterans.
I ask you to please send a check to the Department Commander’s Project to help our justice-involved veterans. See Page 3.
Donna and I look forward to seeing you at all the birthday dinners, and the upcoming district conventions. Again, please step up to be a leader. It builds character, competence, and commitment. The American Legion changes and saves lives.
Be the One.
If you have any questions, please call me at 218-770-6264.
Bill Barbknecht of Fergus Falls Post 30 is the Department of Minnesota’s National Executive Committeeman.