NECman: ‘Be the One’ will be crucial to suicide prevention

Don’t look back. The National Convention is history. The Harvest Rally and Camporee are history. Time to plan to attend the Fall Conference.

This is being held at the River’s Edge Convention Center and Best Western Kelly Inn in St. Cloud, Oct. 26, 27 and 28. We will be excited to have in attendance the leading candidate for national commander of The American Legion 2024-2025, James A. LaCoursiere Jr. from Connecticut, with us. Come out and meet this outstanding Legionnaire.
Fall Meetings are coming up in Indianapolis Oct. 9. It will be National Commander Dan Seehafer’s homecoming.
The actual meetings will be Oct. 8-11. “Be the One” will be talked a lot about this year. Please do Buddy Checks, go see your members, call them and call on them.
It should be interesting with the dues increase possibly coming up on July 1, 2024.
Have you noticed prices going up? When was the last time your Post raised dues? Remember, it is a privilege to belong to this organization, not everyone can belong. For the great things we do for our Veterans, their families and our communities, our dues are still far less than other organizations, that possibly do what we do for less dues.
My apologies, in last month’s article I had a huge error in the article. Our Post 489 Finance Officer and Chairman of the Finance Committee is Bricker Johnson.
Is your post finance officer bonded? We have a very good one who always gives a very good update on how our post is doing. How is your post doing?
American Education Week is coming in November. Please do something for all your school employees, teachers, paras, bus drivers, cooks, custodian and all other school staff to show your support.
Do you have your Veterans Day program planned yet? Every post should be having one. I hope your post is doing something for its members for membership. Dinners, coffee a certain day every week are always great options. Spend money on your members also.
Donna and I look forward to seeing many of you at the Fall Conference in St. Cloud on Oct. 26, 27 and 28.
Bill Barbknecht of Underwood Post 489 is the Department of Minnesota’s National Executive Committeeman.