Membership Director: Rising costs are challenging all across the USA, and for members

By Carla Tappainer

As you know, this is the time of year that we start our membership slide. As of today, we are in 10th place for membership in the country, and it would really be great to get back into the top five.

We all need to do our best to recruit more veterans into The American Legion so we can have a loud voice in Washington, D.C., and do more for our communities. We should be going to our colleges and universities to talk to the student veterans about the Legion. Getting into our armories and talking to the soldiers and their families is also a great way to spread the word.

We have so much to offer our veterans, but we must get the word out!

One of the main challenges we’re facing is the recent increase in dues. Due to this, we have 84 posts in Minnesota that are considered “upside down” in their dues structure. What this means is that the amount of the membership dues does not cover the full amount that is owed to national, department or their district.

Carla Tappainer

It’s then the full responsibility of each post to cover the remaining amount owed. Some posts are covering the difference out of their post funds so that they don’t have to increase their dues. The amounts vary from $1.25 up to $14.25 for each member. That’s not sustainable in the long run.

Another downside of this situation is that those posts that are “upside down” are not able to use to process membership until their dues are corrected.

I totally understand how an increase in dues is hard for people to stomach, but it is a fact of life, and we must find a way to work with it. By focusing on the positives and communicating effectively, we can address the concerns regarding the dues increase and continue to grow as an organization.

This isn’t the first time, nor is it the last, for an increase. It seems that everything is going up in price nowadays. Unfortunately, we have many veterans who are on fixed incomes and it’s very hard for them to understand why their dues keep going up. The best way to talk about the dues increase is to mention all the advantages of membership in the American Legion provides.

  • Highlight the benefits and programs offered by the American Legion.
  • Emphasize our role as the voice of veterans in Washington, D.C.
  • Explain that without continued support, the benefits we enjoy may be lost.

Together, we can overcome these challenges and ensure that our mission and our voice remain strong. Spread the word about The American Legion and we will succeed!

Carla Tappainer is the membership director for the Department of Minnesota. She is a member of Apple Valley Post 1776.