Mail Call: VA staffer shines in duties
The purpose of my letter is to commend a member of the Minneapolis VA staff, Ms. Ann Crew, for her sterling professionalism in handling my high blood pressure program.
The VA sent me a blood pressure monitoring kit, and Ms. Crew assisted me in utilizing this health care tool properly, and educating me on how to maximize the benefit of this home health care device.
She instructed me on the benefits of creating and actually utilizing a Daily Blood Pressure Journal, the value of variability in taking blood pressure readings, and when would be the most appropriate time to take medically ordered prescriptions.
When I had questions on what a skilled medical professional might regard as simplistic, she patiently explained to me the best approach to utilizing the blood pressure device, and why such an approach would more accurately measure my systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
Her follow up was also world-class. When I was unable to get an appropriate full week of correct readings, she had me take another week of totally accurate measurements to ensure that she could report my blood pressure status absolutely properly.
Ms. Crew is a very dedicated health care professional, and a true credit to your organization. Thank you for sharing her highly-skilled capabilities and talents with a veteran who has greatly benefitted from both her talent and her caring and concerned manner.
So very grateful for the most able health care professionals that you employ and make available to Veterans like me.
All the best!
Peter R. Bartling
Wayzata Post 118