Letter: Boys State was a fantastic time

By Joe Voit

Dear David Hennen of Tauton Post 604,

I want to say thank you all so much for endorsing me on this amazing journey. I have had a life-changing time here at Minnesota Boys State. I came here not knowing very much what was up ahead, and I will leave Boys State with an experience that I will never forget.

Ever since the day you first came and talked to me, I was truly excited. I am so very thankful for the opportunities that were presented to me. I will be forever grateful.

I knew immediately as I arrived here that this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and I had to make the best of it. I ended up doing just that. I ran for mayor and won. I ran for a county party delegate and became an alternate. I then became the timekeeper.

I ran for a state-party delegate position and won. At the convention, I was appointed as state party timekeeper. Finally, I ran for a spot in the Senate and won.

The process in the Senate has been grueling, but it has definitely been worth it.
Again, thank you all so so much. I will see you soon! Thank you to the veterans for their service. Freedom isn’t free. God bless.

Joe Voit
Boys Stater