Kelly endorsed for 2nd vice president

By American Legion Auxiliary Department of Minnesota

Linda Kelly has been endorsed by Unit 184 of Pine Island, the 3rd District Past Presidents Parley, and the 3rd District Executive Committee for Department of Minnesota 2nd vice president for the year 2024-2025.

Kelly is an active member of her unit for 25 years. She is eligible through the service of two broth-ers, Stanley and Melroy Kundert. Stanley was stationed in Korea when Linda was born and Melroy served at Fort Bragg in North Carolina.

Mugshot for Linda Kelly
Linda Kelly

She has served her unit in many ways including president two terms, vice president, Executive Committee member and chaplain. She works many of the programs and is currently working with their local school to bring more patriotic programs into the school. She served as president for the 3rd District for two years due to the pandemic, working her way up from Executive Committee. She has also served as chairman of Membership, Children & Youth, Education, Girls State, Leadership, Public Rela-tions and Community Service.

Kelly has served as department chairman for Membership and Poppy. She will be serving as the American Legion Auxiliary Minnesota Girls State chairman for the coming year. She has attended nu-merous district, department and national conventions, fall conferences and mission training workshops.

Kelly recently retired after working in Pine Island for 52 years for a local bank and a local agricul-tural cooperative. She has two daughters, Jennie and Sarah, and one grandson, Miles.

For many years, we have heard the saying, “Praise Publicly, Criticize Privately.” As district leader-ship chairman this past year, she told the 3rd District that criticize is a negative word and the saying should be “Praise Publicly, Mentor Privately.”

Kelly would love to serve as an officer of the great organization that is the American Legion Auxiliary.