Help compile activity bags for children at VAMC

ST. CLOUD — At the Department of Minnesota Fall Conference this year I am calling for units to put together small activity bags or get items for activity bags for children that come with veterans to the St. Cloud VA Medical Center.
The bags do not have to be big or extravagant and can have handles or drawstrings, anything you can buy or make. The stuff inside can be coloring books, crayons and things like that. Anything that will keep kids occupied while the veteran is at their appointments.
Ideas for bags:
• Small drawstring bags
• Small handled bags
• School pencil bags
• Makeup bags
Ideas for items for bags:
• Coloring books (there are small about 5-x-7-inch books that the dollar stores have as well as Target, Walmart and Amazon. I buy them for my daughter all the time; plus, they come with three crayons, too!
• Crayons
• Word finds (older kids)
• Sticker books (you can still find them at Walmart)
• Small quiet sensory (fidget) toys such as Popits
• Small cars
Note: If you have trouble thinking of ideas check out activity bags at a church. Most churches have activity bags for kids to use during services.
Any questions reach out to me please or 763-843-0875.