Dorf endorsed for department president

By Monticello Unit 260

Monticello Unit 260, 10th District Past Presidents Parley and the 10th District Auxiliary has endorsed Robin Dorf for Department of Minnesota American Legion Auxiliary President for 2025-2026.

Dorf has been an active member of Unit 260 for 49 years and is a PUFL member. Her eligibility is through her father, Emil W. Dorf Jr., who served in the U.S. Air Force during the Korean War.

At the unit level she has held many positions, including President two terms.  On the district level, she has served as St. Cloud VA Social Activities, Junior Activities multiple years, Education, Girls State, Legislation, Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, Children & Youth, Poppy, Leadership, Membership, Past Presidents Parley, Secretary, Treasurer, Executive Committee member, 2nd Vice President, 1st Vice President and served as 10th District President 2014-2015.

On the department level, she has served on the Strategic Planning Committee, past Girls State Counselor, Junior Activities, Leadership, Public Relations, Membership, Children & Youth, Chaplain, Community Service, Legislation, and is currently serving as First Vice President and Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Chairman.

On the national level, she served as the 2018 ALA National Convention Vice Chairman, Northwestern Division Membership Chairman, Children & Youth Committee Vice Chairman, Junior Activities Committee Vice Chairman, and is currently serving as the Northwestern Division Leadership Chairman.

Dorf has been employed by Wright County for 17 years and is currently the Wright County Health and Human Services Kinship/Child Foster Care Recruiter Case Aide.