ALR Director: Legacy Run now will raise funds for assisting Minnesota veterans
Happy New Year!
It was great to see so many of you at the Pearl Harbor Legion Family gathering. We had a great turn-out even though we had some snow that morning. What a strange winter we are having so far, any snow we did have is now gone.
I even saw some motorcycles on the road just the other day. It is not looking like we will have a white Christmas, at least not in the Twin Cities and south.
With the beginning of the year upon us, it is time to start planning the Minnesota Legacy Run, which will now benefit the Minnesota Veterans Assistance Fund (Fund 85).
We are looking for our kickoff location, ending location and overnights. The run this year will be around southern Minnesota. if your post Legion Family is interested in hosting the Riders this year, please contact me or Minnesota American Legion Riders Ride Captain Ted Berg.
Please note, National HQ is no longer accepting donations to the Legacy Scholarship Fund. I know that many of you have it in your budget to donate to the Fund 84 (the Legacy Scholarship fund). If we receive a check made out to Fund 84, the donation will be applied to the new National American Legion Riders Mission — American Legion Veterans and Children Fund.
I know there are many other chapter runs and fundraisers happening across the state and throughout the year. Please invite me to your events so I can see all the good things you are doing! If you would like help setting up a chapter at your post, please let me or your district ALR representative know so we can help you get things going.
If you are interested in having me talk to your chapter or district about the reason for writing a constitution and bylaws, please contact me.
God bless and keep the rubber side down.
Jody Hassing of Bloomington Unit 550 is the director of the Minnesota American Legion Riders.