Director: ALR Constitution & Bylaws handled by committee

By Jody Hassing

Happy Holidays!

This year has gone by so fast; I cannot believe the holiday season is upon us already. I always love to see all the pictures of the gift shops at each of our Minnesota Veterans Homes. Please remember to take time for yourself over the busy holiday season; you deserve it!

Since the approval of the Minnesota American Legion Riders Constitution & Bylaws, I have received many questions regarding how and why. I first want to ensure all the Riders in the state that the Constitution & Bylaws was not written by a single person.

The documents were written by a committee based in part on our Standard Operating Procedure (that we have been operating under for years) and in part on the Constitution & Bylaws of the SAL (also a Legion program).

The MNALR Constitution & Bylaws was then discussed and revised by the body of the MNALR and the district representatives at two different state meetings (MNALR Department Convention in July, Romp at Legionville in September).

Jody Hassing mugshot
Jody Hassing

The Constitution & Bylaws was reviewed by Department Judge Advocate Greg Colby and the Minnesota American Legion Department Executive Committee. The Riders approved it at the Romp in September and DEC ratified it at the Fall Conference in October.

Why did we decide to do this now? The main reason we formed the committee was because our SOP referred to two resolutions at the national level that are now obsolete. Please review your Constitution and Bylaws, if your chapter/district has one. If the Constitution and/or Bylaws refer to obsolete resolutions, it is time to rewrite it.

The Riders are a program of the Legion and exist to support the principles of the Legion.

I know there are many other chapter fundraisers and events happening across the state. Please invite me to your events so I can see all the good things you are doing! If you would like assistance setting up a chapter at your post, please let me or your district representative know so we can help you get things going.

If you are interested in having me talk to your chapter or district, please contact me.

God bless and have a great holiday season.

Jody Hassing of Bloomington Unit 550 is the director of the Minnesota American Legion Riders.