Department of Minnesota is near a membership milestone!

By Judy Ackerman

Spring is right around the corner. Happy Birthday to the American Legion.

March is Community Service Month. What are your plans for your community? Please share your ideas with the district and department community service chairmen. We want to be able to toot your horn in the annual reports as to what you have done and will be doing.

Unfortunately, the weather forecast did not cooperate for the Sweetheart Rally. It’s better to be safe and cancel than to have someone have an accident trying to get to or home from the rally.  Membership is high on the priority list. Please help Membership Chairman Hope and the 10 district membership chairmen to help us reach the 85 percent goal by March 15.  As of Feb. 12, Minnesota was at 81.64 percent.

We only need 875 members to attain this milestone. We can do it. Please send in your memberships right away. Bring your memberships to the Appreciation Rally on March 8 at Chanhassen Post 580. It would be fantastic if Membership Chairman Hope Wilson can announce that we have achieved 85 percent.

Judy Ackerman

This milestone will help the Department of Minnesota be recognized at the National Convention with the Department Merit Medallion Recognition. This is our biggest hurdle for this recognition. We are so close. Hope and I are counting on you to help us achieve this recognition.

Thank you to the American Legion Family and individuals for donations to the Department President’s Project. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Thank you also for the invitations to visit your units.

Mid-Winters are over, and I am hoping that you were able to attend your district’s Mid-Winter and learn some new information.

I am sending a huge shout-out to the Montgomery Post 79 Legionnaires for their hospitality on Feb. 13. They were excellent hosts to their Auxiliary unit members. It was so fun to be waited on and served by the Legionnaires. This is an annual event for them.  Appetizers, beverages, meal, dessert and door prizes. It was a great time. Thank you so much.

Annual report time is approaching fast. I hope that your unit has been keeping track of what your unit has done this past year. Please send in your reports and pictures so we can share what the Department of Minnesota has done. We want to be able to show your good deeds on the big screen at Department Convention.

Judy Ackerman of Northrop Unit 522 is the president of the American Legion Auxiliary Department of Minnesota. Her theme is “Back to the Basics: Recognize, Respect, Remember.”