Bring out your baked goods to the Silent Auction

By Brandi Christensen, AEF chairman
Baked goods are popular at the Silent Auction held during the annual Fall Conference.

The Silent Auction to support the Auxiliary Emergency Fund is back again this year at Fall Conference. It’s time to get together as a unit/post/squadron or family to come up with a theme basket or maybe even two.

You can also bring in quilts, books, patriotic items, pictures, jewelry, American Legion family items or decorations.

Everyone loves bake sales! I know we have some wonderful bakers out there. And I hope you come through for a huge bake sale that will go with the silent auction. Bake sale items will be a free will donation.

We will also be taking monetary donations. To go along with Department President Judy’s symbol each monetary donation that comes in will be a Lego block (building blocks) to make towers. I am hoping to have a great silent auction for an even greater cause!

Volunteers Needed!
If you would love to help with the auction whether it be setting up or working during the auction, please contact me or the Department Office. Brandi Christensen at

Click here to register for the Fall Conference.