Be sure to hear the national commander speak

By Tim Engstrom
James A. LaCoursiere Jr.

ST. PAUL — American Legion National Commander James A. LaCoursiere Jr. comes to Minnesota the last full week of March. The route weaves from the Twin Cities metro to southern Minnesota, back to the metro, then westward.

The National Commander’s Tour of Minnesota reaches the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th and 10th districts.

Stops at American Legion posts are not limited to Legion Family members. The general public is welcome to RSVP just the same as regular members. Mayors and other dignitaries often come, too. Some stops might be filled by the time you read this. (There was an article in the last issue, too.)

“The tour is really a way for us to engage members and to engage our local communities, so that they see The American Legion’s mission,” Department of Minnesota Commander Carl Moon said. “We want them to learn we are not about restaurants or banquet halls. We are about supporting veterans and saving lives. We want the public and the media to help us.”

LaCoursiere was elected national commander at the 105th National Convention on Aug. 29, 2024, in New Orleans.

An Air Force veteran, LaCoursiere has been a longtime field representative for the American Legion Department of Connecticut’s Soldiers, Sailors and Marines Fund, which financially assists veterans and their families in need.

He has served as a national vice commander, chairman of the national Legislative Commission and as Department of Connecticut commander. As national commander, LaCoursiere is strongly committed to raising awareness for The American Legion’s “Be the One” mission to prevent veteran suicide.

The commander flies to Minnesota with his aide, Butch Hansen, on Sunday, March 23. With them on the tour are Moon, Department Adjutant Mike Maxa, Department Membership Director Carla Tappainer and Department Communications Director Tim Engstrom.

On Monday, March 24, LaCoursiere is slated to meet privately with Minnesota Veterans Affairs Commissioner Brad Lindsay, Minnesota National Guard Adjutant General Shawn Manke and Minneapolis VA Director Pat Kelly.