Backus Post 368 donates to Pine River-Backus School

By Brad Taylor
Backus Post 368 provided three donations to Pine River-Backus School. Presented above was a $9,000 check for scholarships, Presenting are Post 368 Commander Brad Taylor, 1st Vice Commander Bobbi Taylor. Receiving are Principal Chris Halverson and Counselor Abby Golish.
Post 368 Commander Brad Taylor and 1st Vice Commander Bobbi Taylor present $2,000 for the robotics team. Coach Mike Shetka is in the middle.


Post 368 Commander Brad Taylor, 1st Vice Commander Bobbi Taylor and Squadron 368 Commander Jim Qualley present a check for $2,500 in gift cards for the Tigers Den. Receiving is PRB School’s Olivia Becker with Youth & Family Services.