Auxiliary elects new national officers

By Christie Avant
The Minnesota delegation for the 102nd American Legion Auxiliary National Convention are pictured above. Mary Kuperus of New London Unit 537 chaired the delegation.

CHARLOTTE — The 102nd National Convention was Aug. 26-30 in Charlotte. The convention ended with the election and installation of the 2023-2024 national officers. Minnesota was represented by 23 delegates, 13 alternates and many guests.

Indianna’s Vicki Koutz, the 2022-2023 national president, presided over the busy five days as the national chairmen gave their reports. Resolutions were considered, and the newly elected and appointed officers were installed:

National President: Lisa Williamson, Alaska

National Vice President: Trish Ward, Kansas

National Secretary: Kathy Daudistel, Kentucky

National Treasurer: Marybeth Revoir, Ill.

National Chaplain: Brister Thomas, Hawaii

National Historian: Donna Thurman, Kentucky

National Vice President of the Northwestern Division: Karen Susag, Montana


National President Focus

For the 2023-2024 ALA administrative year, the national focus is to increase awareness about the veteran and military suicide epidemic by embracing The American Legion’s “Be the One” initiative — be the one to save one.

Bonnie Luedloff from Waconia Unit 150 was recognized at the 102nd National Convention, in Charlotte, at the annual luncheon. Luedloff, near the U.S. flag, is pictured with other Department of Member of the Year recipients.
Bonnie Luedloff from Waconia Unit 150 was recognized at the 102nd National Convention, in Charlotte, at the annual luncheon. Luedloff, near the U.S. flag, is pictured with other Department of Member of the Year recipients.

A few experiences of people close to National President Lisa Williamson have led to this focus for our members. The goal is to destigmatize getting help when it comes to thoughts of suicide.

Williamson will go above and beyond in her role as national president, by not only helping to raise awareness about the Be the One initiative, but also to raise funds for the American Legion Auxiliary’s greatest need — Spirit of Youth Scholarships.

Beginning in fiscal year 2024, the ALA will increase the number of SOY scholarships by 49, bringing the total number of scholarships awarded to 67. This will bring the total amount awarded to $100,000, the most the Auxiliary has ever awarded for SOY scholarships.

With your help, the ALA can will help more students fulfill their educational pursuits in preparation to lead in the future.


2022-2023 National Awards

2023-2024 Department of Minnesota President Sharon Cross, center, after being installed at the 102nd ALA National Convention in Charlotte.

Minnesota proudly accepted the following national awards at the 2023 ALA National Convention in Charlotte.

  • Americanism, Northwestern Division, Class V, write a narrative of 450-500 words: Savannah Berg.
  • Education, Best Overall Department Education Program in the Northwestern Division: Tricia Pagel.
  • History, Certificate of Merit Citation Senior Department Historian Submitted the Best Department History in the Northwestern Division: Margaret Keller.
  • Junior Activities, Most Outstanding Unit Junior Activities Program in the Northwestern Division: Argyle Unit 353.
  • Junior Activities, Best Overall Department Junior Activities Program in the Northwestern Division: Department of Minnesota.
  • National Security, Most Outstanding Overall Unit National Security Program in the Division: Faribault Unit 43.
  • Poppy, Poster Contest Class V Citation, a child in the Northwestern Divison in grades 10 or 11 judged by department: Natasha Crowe.
  • ALA Mission Focused Social Media Account, units with active mission-focused social media: Chaska Unit 57.
  • VA&R, Citation Best Department VA&R program Department in Northwestern Division: Department of Minnesota.
  • VA&R, 2023 VAVS Meetings, Perfect Attendance Award: Jan Benson & Carol Kottom.