Are you ready for the Minnesota American Legion Family Bowling Tournament?

By Tim Engstrom
Members from the Legion, Auxiliary, Sons and Riders statewide participate in the Minnesota American Legion Family Bowling Tournament.

DAYTON — The 79th annual Minnesota American Legion Family Bowling Tournament will be March 29 to April 27.

Singles and doubles leagues bowl at 11 a.m. Saturdays. Teams bowl at 3:30 p.m. Saturdays and noon Sundays.

Visit Click here to receive instructions and download registration forms. Lodging options are listed.

Cari Lamb is the tournament secretary, and all requests for reservations and information should go to her. Her email address is Her cellphone is 612-968-4839. Her address is 3217 19th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55407.

Dave Wendt of Westphal Post 251 in Robbinsdale is the Department of Minnesota Bowling Committee chairman.
Bowling results will be printed in the Legionnaire, usually in the June or July issues.