ALA membership needs to hit 85 percent

By Hope Wilson, membership chairman

The Fall Conference was a hit once again. Since Oct. 21, I have had 21 units come off the 5 percent-or-less membership list. This is fantastic. This being said, there are still 71, yes 71, units that are at zero or under 5 percent of goal.

Please reach out to your members and check on them. Are they doing OK? Do they need some help? Can anyone in your unit pay it forward for a member? Can your Legionnaire’s help sponsor a member’s dues?

Please keep the memberships rolling in. We have a national goal of 85 percent that we are trying to hit by March 15. As soon as the memberships are paid, send them into the Department Office. Do not hold on to them.

Unfortunately, we had four units turn in their charters at Fall Conference. Even more distressing, there are 16 more units that are in the process of turning their charters in as well unless we can turn them around and get them some leadership help.

Our next rally is coming up soon.

What: Pearl Harbor Rally

When: Saturday, Dec. 7

Where: Post 545, 155 Lake Ave. South, Spicer

Who: Hosted by American Legion Riders

What else: Social hour and membership turn-in at 11 a.m., meal at noon, program to follow.

Learn more: See information on Page 2 under “What’s Happening?”