Ackerman endorsed for department president

The Schwieger-Kahler Unit 522 in Northrop proudly endorses Judith “Judy” Ackerman for the office of President of the Department of Minnesota for 2024-2025.

Ackerman is a 66-year member of the American Legion Auxiliary. She is eligible for membership through her father, George Schadt, a World War II Army veteran; her grandfather, William Langholz, a World War I Army veteran; and her brother, Bill Schadt, a Vietnam Marine veteran. She is a third-generation Auxiliary member in a five-generation Auxiliary family (her grandmother to her granddaughters).
Ackerman has held the office of president for Unit 522 for several years. Our members appreciate her leadership, her mentoring and the way she educates us on the programs of the American Legion Auxiliary.
She has held the following offices and chairmanships at the 2nd District level: President, 1st and 2nd Vice President, Executive Committee for two years, Membership, Girl State, Junior Activities, Finance, Secretary/Treasurer, Americanism, Leadership, Legislative, Poppy and many more.
Ackerman has given her time and talents to the Department of Minnesota by holding several chairmanships that include: Junior Activities, Unit Development and Revitalization, Historian, Public Relations, Chaplain, Membership, Strategic Planning Committee, Finance Committee, Legislative and is currently the Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation Chairman.
She has been employed as a medical coding specialist since 1992. She currently works for Regions Hospital as a Park Nicollet Home Health/Hospice coding team lead since 2015. She holds six credentials from three coding organizations.
She has exhibited her leadership skills through her employment, the coding organizations, and the American Legion Auxiliary.
Ackerman and her late husband, Jim, were married for 32 years. The marriage yielded three daughters. Jim was also a member of the Sons of the American Legion.
The members of the Schwieger-Kahler American Legion Auxiliary know that Judy will represent the members of Minnesota well as the President of the Department of Minnesota.