Chaplain’s Corner: Be mindful of the needs of others
In God’s grace let us go forth serving all mankind.
As we begin a new year within the Department of Minnesota under new leadership, let us all strive to work together for the good of our communities, posts, districts and our department.
The Four Pillars from which arose The American Legion are Veterans Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism and Children & Youth. All of these pillars have numerous programs under each one of them that were created for the good of each and every one of us, and we need to work together so they can be successful.
As we live our lives day to day, we need to be ever mindful of the needs of our fellow man and keep them in our thoughts and prayers and by God’s loving grace and tender love for us may these programs be successful.
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and to say that with great humility and honor I had the great opportunity to be elected to the office of chaplain of The American Legion Department of Minnesota for the 2023-2024 membership year. I will strive to do the best job I can, and I am asking for God’s grace and guidance throughout this year in this position as I know there are challenges that we all experience on a daily basis. I cannot handle them alone, so I am asking for words of encouragement along the way.
My name is Dean Knutson, and I currently live in Marshall. I am a 34-year PUFL member of Pederson-Tripp Post 357 in Ashby and am eligible for membership with my 29 years of service in the U.S. Army, retiring in 2003.
In my home church in Dalton, I have served as deacon, trustee and treasurer. I volunteer in numerous positions with the city of Marshall.
My contact information is:
Address: 303 London Road, Marshall, MN 56258.
Phone: 320-766-0502
Email: deknutson29@
If I do not answer your phone call, please leave me a voice message, send me a text message or send me an email, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
I look forward to serving the great Department of Minnesota, and I will do the best job I can, and by God’s grace and words of encouragement from all of the members within the department, it will be a good year.
In closing: May the strength of God sustain us. May the power of God preserve us. May the hand of God protect us. May the way of God direct us, and may the love of God go with us.
Dean Knutson of Ashby Post 357 is the chaplain for The American Legion Department of Minnesota.