9th District Commander’s October 2024 Report
Hello, Roaring 9th District!
I hope everyone is doing well. Now that we are beginning a new year, and the National Convention has past, we need to hit the ground running.
Though we had a good previous year, we were last overall in the department in membership. Now I realize we all have worked very hard getting our current members to get their dues in on time, we are still having some issues getting new members to join our posts.
Therefore, we need to look at opportunities that would best benefit our posts to get new members to join. One benefit at our disposal is contacting those members on our 1982 lists. All it takes is a phone call.
When you contact a potential new member, let them know the benefits of belonging to your post. Most of the time, members of the Department’s 1982 list, don’t realize the benefits of belonging to a post, so please let them know.
Then, after inviting the new member to your post meeting, make the new member feel welcome. Sometimes we miss great opportunities to recruit new members, by not speaking to them or making them feel like part of your team. Please keep this in mind when you are recruiting.
A few dates for our 2024-25 fiscal year. Our Mid-Winter Conference is scheduled for Jan. 10-11 at Warren Post 27, and the District Convention is scheduled for June 13-14 at East Grand Forks Post 157. Please continue to refer to our district newsletter or our 9th District Facebook page for times and updates.
Though we had a good turnout at our previous conference and convention, I know we can do much better. Please do your best to have at least one representative from your post to attend our district events. Not only is it a great opportunity to catch up with old friends, but it’s a great opportunity to make new friends, and receive updated information that will benefit your posts. I look forward to seeing you all there!
Remember, if you have any questions, or concerns, please contact your area district vice commander for any guidance. Your district executive team is here to assist you, so please reach out if you need our help. As always, please continue using the buddy check system, and awareness in our local communities. Remember our veterans who may live alone, homebound, or in assisted living facilities.
“There’s likely a place in paradise for people who tried hard, but what really matters is succeeding. If that requires you to change, that’s your mission.”
— Ret. Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal