Commander: Seeing results of American Legion efforts is key

By Carl Moon

I just want to say how honored I am to be your commander this year.

That said, It saddens me when I hear about a veteran who is asked to join or to renew their membership say: “What’s in it for me?”

As we know, it’s not about us, it’s about our servicemembers and veterans, their families and the freedoms we all enjoy.

In the brief time just before our Department Convention and in the eight weeks since, I wish that those members who have not renewed or considering not renewing their membership could have experienced just some of what I have in this short period of time.

Carl Moon

From attending two days at Boys State in June, the American Legion Baseball Div. I State Tournament in August, Legionville School Safety Patrol Camp graduation, the Jr. Auxiliary Fun Weekend, various posts’ community activities, and the 105th National Convention in New Orleans, I have gained so much appreciation for the dedication and enthusiasm shown by not only the participants but more importantly by the staff and volunteers of these programs.

Our programs and their participants represent not only the future for our children and grandchildren, they represent our freedoms, morals and our continued way of life.

Congratulations to immediate Past Commander Paul Hassing on a very successful year and for exceeding the goal for his project: Fund 85.

I also feel that as the Minnesota delegation chairman at the National Convention in New Orleans, Paul had good participation and fellowship from all of the delegates. I know he is looking to more road time on his Harley this next year.

I have reviewed the classes recommended by our department staff and approved by our Training Committee for the Fall Conference in October. It looks like there will be some great opportunities for district officers and their committees to learn more about the Legion programs and responsibilities.

The leading candidate for national commander, Dan Wiley from Kansas, will attend and speak. I have also invited a representative from my Commander’s Project, Veteran’s Defense Project, to give a presentation about their program.

Again, I am hoping to raise $60,000 to support their efforts to expand excess for veterans living in underserved areas.

My theme is “ACT: Accountability, Communication, Transparency.” It represents the responsibility of department officers and committees to assist the district officers and committees in any way we can to help your posts be successful.

I look forward to meeting and working with all of you this next year.

Carl Moon of Zimmerman  Post 560 is the commander of The American Legion Department of Minnesota. His theme is “ACT: Accountability, Communication and Transparency.”