5th District commander’s August 2024 report

By Lynne Nottage

Happy new Legion year! Greetings from the 5th District.

The summer is just flying by. Our post and district meetings start up again next month. I want to take a minute and thank all the past commanders of the 5th District with the offers to help this year in keeping our district active and running smoothly.

We have a challenge ahead. We need to work at providing an active and helpful district for all of our posts. As a team we need to be helpful and available to our Legionnaires, whether it be an individual veteran or an entire post.

Lynne Nottage

We need good and clear communication among us. One thing I do want to push heavily is our Minnesota Legion College. This is an amazing program; it revitalizes the Legionnaires that attend, and we need to be there when they propose their ideas, whether it’s something completely new or rejuvenating something that’s been done in the past.

Our district has a lot of positions and committees to fill. Anyone out there looking for something new and different or a challenge, come to a meeting and let’s get you busy. There is a slight change to the district’s September meeting.

We will be meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 10, at 6:30 p.m. at Wold-Chamberlain Post 99. Zoom will be available for this meeting. If you do not get the notification, please contact our adjutant, Ray Eiden.

Also, Post 99 will be serving hamburgers on Tuesdays for $6. Come and have dinner, too! Hope to see you there!