New department commander known for career as eye doctor

By Tim Engstrom
Waterama Queen Stella Meyer, youngest granddaughter to new Department Commander Carl Moon, pins a special commander pin to the lapel of Moon’s suit. Moon’s wife, Peggy, was the first female commander of the Department of Minnesota and is the alternate NECman, and Moon has joked that he won’t be known as Peggy’s husband anymore. The fact is, he has served in many roles himself already.

New Moon

WILLMAR — The delegates at the 105th Department of Minnesota Convention elected Dr. Carl Moon of Zimmerman Post 560 to be commander for the 2024-24 membership year.

“I’ve got some great people with us, and I think we’re going to have a a lot of fun this year, too.”

Moon’s theme for the years is, “ACT: Accountability, Communication and Transparency.”

Jackson Kramer of Hutchinson was recognized as the Eagle Scout of the Year.

His fundraising project this year is  the Veterans Defense Project. He hopes to raise $60,000. The VDP and the Minnesota American Legion were instrumental in passing the Veterans Restorative Justice Act in 2021. The act allows veterans in counties without veterans courts to transfer their cases to ones with veterans courts. Also, the act standardizes veterans courts so they aren’t so different from county to county. Nebraska has since copied Minnesota’s lead and passed its own VRJA with help from the VDF staff.

In 1972, Moon was awarded the Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship, through the U.S. Air Force, to attend Southern College of Optometry, in Memphis, Tenn.

He served in the Air Force 1976 to 1984. He is a PUFL member with 34 years of continuous American Legion service.

Crosby-Ironton Transportation was recognized as the Veteran Employer of the Year.

In the 6th District, he served as commander, vice commander, County Council commander, chaplain and, most recently, as membership director.

On the Department of Minnesota level, he served as Employment Committee chairman for five years, chairman of Finance Committee 2022-2023 and is currently the president of the Legionville Board of Directors.

On the national level, he is the national commander’s representative to the VA&R Commission and is one of only four members appointed to the TBI/PTSD Committee. He is a member of the Sons of The American Legion Squadron 560. Moon is also a proud member of the Auxiliary Unit 560.

Moon was employed at the St. Cloud VA as an optometrist for 20 years and retired in 2020. He and his wife, Peggy, have been married 49 years, have two daughters, two grandsons and four granddaughters. Peggy is an Air Force veteran, Alternate NECman and a past commander of the district and department.

Other department officers elected at the convention were:

  • Vice Commander Districts 1&3 Don Skow
  • Vice Commander Districts 2&7 Pam Krill
  • Vice Commander Districts 4&5 Joe Jansen
  • Vice Commander Districts 6&9 Veronica Fernlund
  • Vice Commander Districts 8&10 James Marano, who declined and the role defaulted to Bill Gordon.
  • Chaplain Kelley Adelsman
  • Historian Karen O’Bar
  • Sergeant-at-Arms Betty Jass
  • Board of Publications three-year-term Paul Hassing
Mahtomedi-Willernie Post 507 took home the traveling bowling trophy.

Commander Moon appointed Carla Tappainer of Apple Valley Post 1776 as the membership director. The DEC elected for Al Davis of Beroun Post 347 as treasurer for a three-year term.

The Department Executive Committee appointed Mike Ash of St. Paul Christie-DeParcq Post 406 to a three-year term on the Board of Publications.

Find a list of committee members, department officers and district officers at